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Nursing Situation

Nursing Situation
Dear students, for this assignment, you will write of an experience and how this class is assisting you to understand such experience from a research perspective. Here are two examples.
1.As a new graduate nurse on a neurology unit, one day my clinical educator was teaching me how to use a new syringe – in the med room. I was already intimidated with her watching me. After a few attempts at taking the cap off the needle, the needle and cover was in one hand and the barrel in the next. Maybe on the 5thattempt, the cap came off, but my reflex caused me to stab my finger with the clean needle. The educator told me bluntly, "Cynthia, you will never make it in nursing."  That comment blew the little confidence I had in my newly acquired skills. I struggled for the rest of the orientation. Then about 4 years later at another hospital, I was the manager for an Intensive Care Unit, we were very short-staffed, so I was called to Labor and Delivery Room to assist with a very preterm birth. Guess who was in labor delivering a 24-weeker? Yes, my previous clinical educator was in active labor, and we recognized each other. I am not sure if she remembered what she told me. We delivered and cared for the baby in the NICU. She requested me to be her baby's primary nurse to which I could not commit because of my position in the NICU. The baby went home few months later in excellent health.

The challenge for me while remembering our prior encounter, was to remain professional; I felt grateful for her request for me to care for her child. In fact, her harsh words to me made me strive harder for excellence in all that I still do.  Now as a professor and a researcher, I must allow my students to grow in a caring way at their pace. I cannot afford to be judgmental; I have been the recipient of unfeigned caring having left my country as a young adult alone, and that still did not prevent me from accomplishing my dreams which I am still pursuing. 

The research question the comes to my mind from that experience is "What are the factors that contribute to new nurses success? (Quantitative) or "What is it like to be clinically bullied as a new nurse?" (Qualitative).
2.Nine years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My treatment was scheduled to begin July 27th which was purposefully scheduled so that I could finish the semester. Although I had all the support from faculty, my students wanted me to grade their final papers. I was in the office until 9PM the Friday before surgery, grading papers and sorting the procedures for my recently funded NIH research grant. So I was swamped; then my office phone rang. Thinking it was one of my angry family members who thought my priorities were out of order, I pick up and there was a very overwhelmed doctoral student who was advised to speak with me. The student was not expecting me to be in the office, and I was not expecting her… I did not have the time especially since she was not one of my students. After listening to her situation, I had no choice. Two hours of encouragement later, and showing her how to navigate the doctoral journey, her tears dried and she was empowered to take on this marathon. It didn’t matter to me that I didn’t finish what I wanted to do that night. I prayed with her and told her to call me in a week. She said “Dr. Archibald, thank you very much. I hope I will get to meet you one day.” One week later, I was in ICU and guess who was the director? You guessed. It was my time to cry. She saw my name “and rushed out like she had lost her mind”, my primary nurse later told me. The DON was also one of my past students who had gotten word from our college Dean that I would be there.

That experience made me feel differently about priorities. That experience has changed the way I care for students. That is one of the reasons I listen and provide authentic presence with students.  The research question that comes to mind is “What is the effect of nurses’ sensitivity on students’ outcomes (quantitative). What are the perceived critical combinations for success among minority doctoral nursing students? (Qualitative).

 For this activity, Please upload a word document to follow the guide below.
1.Identify and post a nursing situation from your own practice in which you were challenged in providing care to your patients. Though the challenge may be something that you see consistently among patients (such as central venous line infections), managers (as I described – 25 points) please describe in one full page, one specific situation involving one patient / manager/ patient family...
2.In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, identify the challenge (25 points) as you see it, and you have grown from the experience (125 words - 15 points)
4.Finally, let me see your attempt at developing a research question from the experience. Say if it is quant OR qual. (15 points).

Write a purpose (15 points) and a data collection method (15 points).  I am trying to see where you are in your understanding at this point. Please do not use the questions or the situation like i described in my nursing situation. It is intended only for a guide.  You will understand the purpose from the evidence table that you have recently completed and from the lectures and chapters. Data collection is design specific, do not be confused but note how it is described based again on the evidence table that you recently submitted. Of equal importance, work on grammar.
5.Grammar- 10 points.

Use a separate page for APA title page. (10 points)

Cite two sources and a reference page according to APA (20 points).

I look forward to reading these stories and assess your understanding of research. Please understand that if you omit – say the section on "how you have grown from it”, that will be 15 points off.

Highlight the heading only  as I have indicated – not the entire section. This is only to make sure you and I have seen that you address all that is required. If you do not highlight and everything else is perfect, points will be subtracted for the lack of highlighted headings. 


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